Monday, August 8, 2011

The Vampire Diaries

I love the Vampire Diaries.The book series is like crack on paper to me...highly addictive!They are real page-turners,I can't wait to see what happens next!I'm still waiting for my chance to read "The Return #3",but i've been loving the series so far.And I can't wait to read the new books based on the tv show,which is very different from the original book series.
  Elena's love triangle with Stefan and Damon is classic.Each man appeals to a different aspect of Elena's own personality.Choosing between these two men means choosing which part of herself to satisfy.She has to decide what she can live with and what she can't live without.
 Of course,that kind of choice doesn't just apply to your love-life.It's at the heart of all the important choices we make in life.That need to choose is part of what makes so much of literature so interesting,gives it that dramatic appeal.It's the drama at the heart of our own lives in the real world.
 Really makes you think...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hourglass by Claudia Gray

The third book in the Evernight series is excellent.I could not believe the ending!Yet it does make sense,based on certain things mentioned along the way.Do you ever get the feeling that you are faster understanding what's going on than the characters are?I had a feeling things would turn out the way they did for Bianca and Lucas.Now I can't wait to see what is going to happen next!
 I think one thing I get from this series and some others is--just how much are you willing to let go of everything and everyone for the sake of this one person?Is this one person really worth such a huge sacrifice?Jericho Barrons asked Mac Lane that question-what are you will ing to give up and what cant you live without?The Paranormal wspects of these stories may be fiction,yet they raise some good questions that are relevant to real life.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Shadowfever, by Karen Marie Moning

This book is so completely amazing and truly awe-inspiring.The characters and the struggles they experience,it's the pai and pleasure of being alive.All the things I started thinking very late last night as I finished reading the book.
     There is no such thing as Good and Evil:there is only Power and Empathy....the power to get what you want,do what you want,enforce your will,and no one can stop you or punish you;Empathy is knowing that the pain and pleasure that other people experience is exactly the same as your own,knowing that to hurt or help other people affects them the same way it would affect you.Knowing this,and allowing this understanding to change how you relate to other people,that is true Empathy.Maybe it's what we really mean by the word "Love".
     I'm beginning to believe that the real conflict going on in America between Conservatives and Progressives is the conflict between these to apposing values...Power and Empathy.Especially when Glenn Beck condemns Empathy as being a quality of the Nazis,inspiring them to genocide!

Friday, July 29, 2011

I have a dream!

My big dream is to open my own bookstore here in Woodstock Georgia.Imagine a beautiful bookstore devoted to my favorite kinds of books...Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy!Imagine sitting in a comfy chair,with the latest Yasmine Galenorn Otherworld novel and a delicious latte...mmmm heaven!
 This is my big dream,to combine my favorite books with my favorite drinks,in a place where people can totally relax and escape the stresses of life.Now,who's with me?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What I Believe

"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom,justice and peace in the world...
 ARTICLE 1- All human beings are born free equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
                                                                                                       The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  I love the way it uses the word "Dignity" to describe the foundation for human rights,freedom and peace.Everything good in human relations is based on that inherent dignity we are all born with.All forms of bigotry,prejudice and oppression is based on a rejection of that dignity by some towards others.Basic Human Dignity is the right place to start when working for peace,social justice and freedom.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My own Blog! OMG!!

This is the launch of my cool,totally awesome Book Blog! I've got to tell all my friends about this,so that we can all have fun here.